Tag: Covid-19

  • Covid-19 Drives Surge In Global PC Demand

    Covid-19 Drives Surge In Global PC Demand

     According to new estimates from Gartner, global PC shipments grew to 10.7 percent in the fourth quarter of 2020, bringing total shipments to 275 million for the past 12 months, by far the best year for PC manufacturers since 2015. The direct consequence for the surge in PC demand can be attributed to the Covid-19 pandemic…

  • UK To Close All Travel Corridors On Monday

    UK To Close All Travel Corridors On Monday

    UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced all travel corridors will be closed from Monday, ending the quarantine exemption for arrivals from selected nations. The announcement comes after it was confirmed that a new variant of COVID-19, which emerged in Brazil, had been discovered in the UK. The new policy would come to effect from…

  • UK Health Experts Call For Tougher Lockdown and Closure Of Nursery Schools

    UK Health Experts Call For Tougher Lockdown and Closure Of Nursery Schools

    Health experts in the UK are calling for the government to rigidify coronavirus rules by closing nurseries as well as making masks mandatory in busy outdoor areas.  On Friday, January 8, the United Kingdom recorded its highest daily death toll since the start of the pandemic with 1,325 fatalities in one day. Albeit closure of…

  • COVID-19: Still A Threat To Global Reduction In Child Abuse

    COVID-19: Still A Threat To Global Reduction In Child Abuse

    32% of the labour workforce in Africa are children under the age of 18. Children from age 5 to 17 that are exposed to any physical or economic task that hinders their education and health are considered child labourers. Economic hardship is a major factor that drives poor families to expose their young ones as…

  • UK To Prioritize Police Officers For Covid-19 Vaccine in the Next Phase of Rollout

    UK To Prioritize Police Officers For Covid-19 Vaccine in the Next Phase of Rollout

    According to UK  Home Secretary Priti Patel, the government is looking at prioritizing police, teachers and others who are grouped as persons with high “occupational risk of coming in contact with the virus”. Meanwhile, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI) for the UK has announced a meeting tomorrow to discuss which groups should…

  • Nigeria To Distribute Vaccine Based On Rate Of Infection

    Nigeria To Distribute Vaccine Based On Rate Of Infection

    The National Primary Health Care Development Agency, (NPHCDA) of Nigeria has announced that its criterion for Covid-19 vaccination would be determined by the rate of infection in each state of the country. The announcement was made via the agency’s verified website on Saturday alongside a publication of the latest infection rates for the disease by…

  • Nigeria Orders Schools To Resume Amidst Increasing Number of Covid-19 Infections

    Nigeria Orders Schools To Resume Amidst Increasing Number of Covid-19 Infections

    The Federal Government of Nigeria has announced that January 18 remains the resumption date for all schools across the nation. The announcement was made by the national coordinator of the Presidential Task Force on COVID-19, Dr Sani Aliyu, during a television programme. He revealed that the federal government had no plans of changing the resumption…

  • In Four months, Federal Government Spent N226.8bn on COVID-19

    In Four months, Federal Government Spent N226.8bn on COVID-19

    The Federal Government has said it mobilised a total amount of N226.85 BN from multiple sources in response to the COVID-19 pandemic between March and June 2020. This was contained in the report released by the Office of the Auditor-General of the Federation and signed by the Auditor-General for the Federation, Anthony Ayine. Ayine said…

  • Nigeria Sustains over 1000 Daily Record of Covid19 Cases

    Nigeria Sustains over 1000 Daily Record of Covid19 Cases

    In the second week of the new year, reported cases of COVID-19 surpassed 9000 with an average record of 1360.5 cases reported in a day. The total number of cases reported between 8th of January and 14 of January 2021 is 9524. The highest daily record was 1585 cases on Saturday while 1024 cases were…

  • Infection After Covid-19 Vaccination is Possible. Here Is Why

    Infection After Covid-19 Vaccination is Possible. Here Is Why

    Experts are now warning of the risk of Covid-19 infection even after the vaccine has been administered. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention noted that during trials, the vaccines were shown to be only about 95% effective — meaning that some vaccinated people were still infected. In line with recent reports, The Centers for…