Tag: Shortfall

  • Nigeria Records N1.76tn Revenue Shortfall In 6 Months

    Nigeria Records N1.76tn Revenue Shortfall In 6 Months

    The Federal Government reported a revenue shortfall of N1.76 trillion in the first half of this year. According to a revenue performance report, obtained from the Budget office of the federation, the Federal Government’s projected revenue for the 2021 fiscal year was N7.9 trillion, of which N3.9 trillion was earmarked as pro rata target for…

  • Nigeria Suffers N1.4tn Shortfall In Five Months

    Nigeria Suffers N1.4tn Shortfall In Five Months

    An analysis of the Medium Term expenditure framework and Fiscal Strategy paper for 2022-2024 has shown that between January and May 2021, the Federal Government recorded a revenue shortfall of N1.4trillion. The report obtained from the Budget Office of the Federation said the Federal Government’s projected revenue for the 2021 fiscal year is N7.9tn, of…