Tag: Global Pandemic

  • COVID-19 Global Death Toll Tops 5 Million

    COVID-19 Global Death Toll Tops 5 Million

    A new report by John Hopkins University has tallied the total global death rate from Covid-19 at 5 million, less than two years into a crisis that has devastated the world. According to the report, the United States, Britain, Brazil and the European Union, which makes up for one-eighth of the world’s population account for…

  • 3.2 Million Pets Were Sold In The UK During The Lockdown

    3.2 Million Pets Were Sold In The UK During The Lockdown

    According to the Pet Food Manufacturers’ Association in the UK, a total of 3.2 million households in the UK have acquired a pet since the start of the global pandemic. The report claimed that the drive for the purchase of pets was a response to social isolation while also adding that young people were the…

  • Lego Sales Surged 21% During The Pandemic

    Lego Sales Surged 21% During The Pandemic

    New reports reveal that the sale of Lego sets surged last year as more children stayed home during global pandemic lockdowns. The privately-held Danish company said its net profit rose 19 percent to 9.9 billion kroner ($1.6bn) as sales jumped 21 percent. Its presence grew in its 12 largest markets during the pandemic as families…

  • Hope For Increase In Box Office Sales As New York Reopens Cinemas

    Hope For Increase In Box Office Sales As New York Reopens Cinemas

    Authorities recently announced that New York City cinemas could reopen on March 5 after nearly a year owing to the global pandemic. The coronavirus pandemic drove down box office sales by more than 70% globally last year – and more than 80% in the US and Canada, historically the world’s biggest market. Unfortunately, dozens of…

  • A New Pandemic? Here’s All You Need To Know About The Nipah Virus

    A New Pandemic? Here’s All You Need To Know About The Nipah Virus

    While the world focuses on the novel coronavirus, new reports are cautioning on a potential outbreak of another virus called the Nipah Virus. First reported in Nipah, Malaysia in 1998, outbreaks have subsequently occurred in parts of North East India, Singapore, Philippines and most recently China. The Nipah virus outbreak in China had a fatality…