2021 Week 18: Covid-19 Cases Drops

Nigeria, in the eighteen week of 2021, recorded a total of 244  cases of COVID-19.

On average, the country had over 24.9 daily records of cases between April 30th and May 6th, 2021.

According to Nigerian Center for Disease Control, the country had recorded a total number of 55 cases on Friday, 30th of April. This, however, dropped to 43 and 14 cases recorded on Saturday and Sunday respectively.

At the beginning of the week, NCDC reported a total of 18 cases on Monday, 3rd of May. While 34 and 52 cases were reported on Tuesday and Wednesday respectively.

The week ended with 28 cases reported at the end of Thursday, 6th of May.  The total number of COVID-19 cases at the end of the week rose to 165,301 with a death rate of 2065 and 155,424 discharged cases.