Covid-19: Angola Okays Primary School Resumption After 11 months

After an eleven-month long shutdown due to Covid-19, Angola has called for the reopening of primary schools.

While a lot of citizens still feel more adequate safety rules should still be put in place before resumption, school authorities have assured parents that extra care is been taken to ensure the safety of their wards.

Safety precautions includes social distancing, the use of masks and hand washing.

“Since Monday, we’ve been showing the school to parents and showing them the conditions we have. The same happened today. Some came fearful, but from what they could see I believe that the number will increase”- says Filipe Mesquita, Principal of School 1206, in Ingombota municipality Luanda.

“Don’t play with water. Don’t play with the taps, so that it doesn’t spoil. But don’t enter the room without washing…” 35” the voice of Daniel da Conceição Faria, the principal of the first-grade school in Malanga. His pupils repeat after him.

Angola has an total infection rate of 20,389 cases, with 494 deaths, and have only recently lifted its lockdown.

On the order hand, Nigeria with a total number of 153,842 cases and 1,885 deaths, ordered primary and secondary schools to resume since January 18, 2021.

Africanews Angola correspondent Neusa e Silva says that the return to the classes of schools with safety conditions is still below expectations.

“The government has said it is working to overcome these challenges and points out that the role of parents and guardians is also crucial. This is a typical school year that will bring a change in the calendar. Starting this year Angola will follow the European system with classes from September to July”, Neusa e Silva explained.