About us
Twentytendaily focuses on data journalism that promotes accuracy in public debates and media in Nigeria in order to raise the quality of information available to society.
The twentytendaily was created to gather, analyze and examine data on policies and politics, check fake news, fact check misinformation in everyday life in new ways and also to represent them in informed, accurate and meaningful infographics and visualizations.
The most effective check and balance on government and politics have been an independent press which maintains its credibility by ensuring that its criticism is balanced and based on fact-based indeed on solid journalistic work.
Twentyten daily dives below headlines to explore hard numbers, using statistical analysis to tell compelling stories about economics and finance. The outcomes are beautiful, interactive data visualizations that present key data points that embolden a hard-hitting story. Twentyten also uses evidence-based research to fact-check and verify claims by public figures and the public at large.
TwentyTen Daily offers newsrooms training, workshops, and seminars on data journalism. We are dedicated to educating journalists, media professionals, enthusiasts and non-technical users on best practices, strategies, techniques, and tools.We train on frontier technologies and tools to help newsrooms improve audience reach and engagement while improving their reportage. We also train individuals to become trainers, especially in cases where a news organization may need an all-round expert to hold the forth in-house.
TwentyTen Daily creates engaging document reports and designs compelling infographics, illustrations (static, interactive, video) that help to simplify and communicate insights from large amounts of data for easy consumption. We offer visual communications services driven towards transparency and making information accessible to citizens, businesses, and community organizations.
Our Focus
Twentyten daily fouses on fair, independent-minded coverage of the things that matter. Our reporting and commentary on politics, policy, economy, and trends draw a loyal and engaged audience of of readers, viewers, and listeners.